Division of property in every divorce has unique challenges
Any person in British Columbia who is going through a divorce might have noticed that there is no shortage of advice from friends and family — and sometimes even from strangers. Although it is important to have the moral support of loved ones, it could make it more difficult to leave emotion at the door when negotiating the division of property. Most believe a divorce should not be tackled without professional guidance.
When building a team to provide divorce support, a financial advisor might be a valuable addition — regardless of whether the person was mostly uninvolved in handling the family finances or was in handling money matters during the marriage. Somebody who can explain every financial aspect can also help ensure the necessary original documents are gathered. Hard copies are typically required by the court. These will include tax forms as well as statements of bank accounts and brokerage firms.
Sometimes spouses try to outmaneuver each other by concealing assets. This is never a good idea because, in most cases, it can be traced back to the receiving spouse — to his or her detriment. Divorcing spouses sometimes make the mistake of continuing to live the lifestyle they had before. This can quickly lead to financial problems because there will normally only be one income to cover the same expenses as before the divorce.
When ending any marriage, it makes good sense to seek the support and guidance of an experienced British Columbia family law lawyer. Every divorce case is unique, especially when it comes to the division of property. A seasoned lawyer can protect the rights of the client throughout the proceedings, regardless of whether the divorce is negotiated directly, mediated or litigated.
Source: businessinsider.com, “7 things you should never do if you’re about to get divorced“, Emmie Martin, Feb. 8, 2017
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(604) 945-4370