In most cases, children benefit from generous time spent with both parents after separation or divorce. The law in British Columbia does not assume that a “50-50” time split is right for all families. It does, however, insist that division of parenting time and parenting responsibilities be done in the best interests of the children — not what is most convenient for parents.
Most children benefit from a stable and conflict-free transition when their parents separate. Laughlin & Company Lawyers Mediators offers Port Coquitlam and Tri-Cities families several options when it comes to deciding how childcare should be arranged. As proponents of alternative dispute resolution and as experienced litigators, we can act in your best interests and those of your loved ones.
Guardianship And Parenting Time
When parents separate, they can put their agreed custody and access arrangements into a parenting plan. A parenting plan can outline, for example, that children will live most of the time with one parent; live equally with both parents; or any other schedule that is right for a particular family.
A parenting plan must ultimately be in the best interests of the children, but its specific details are flexible and the law does not impose any particular solution. When one parent is spending time with his or her children, he or she is responsible for the children’s care, even if the children reside mostly with the other parent.
At Laughlin & Company, our Tri-Cities lawyers for child access and custody can help you sort out the details of your parenting arrangements after divorce or separation. In addition to legal counsel, our firm has a trained parenting coordinator who can help with not only the initial negotiation of childcare but in later modifications.
Contact Us
To consult with our team, call us at 604-239-0800 or get in touch online. Our clients come from the Tri-Cities communities of Port Moody, Poco, Coquitlam and elsewhere in the Lower Mainland.